Ingwe, Earthworks, and the Blessings of Ancestral Rain

In Freyr's temple near Uppsala. Wägner, Wilhelm. 1882. Nordisch-germanische Götter und Helden. Otto Spamer, Leipzig & Berlin. Page 23.

Earthworks such as swales, terraces, and rainwater capture sites are essential tools for ecologists and regenerative agriculturalists seeking to facilitate this renewal. These earthworks capture and store rainwater in the land, allowing it to restore the essence of life to the region. The earthworks bring fertility, and fertility brings better rains. Out from the building of the earthworks flows all of the goodness and bounty that restores balance, fertility, and life to the land so long as we honor our role in that cycle.

The Saxon Stellinga Revolt of 840: Defending Ancient Ways in the Carolingian Empire

The word Stellinga comes from Old Saxon and means “the companions” or, somewhat humorous for some folks, “the comrades.” These Saxon men were of the social classes known as frilingi and lazzi by the feudal law of their day, best expressed in our understanding as freemen and freedmen, and their demands were simple. They wanted a restoration of the social and political rights guaranteed to them under the order of the Saxon Confederation of tribes which held sway before Charlemagne conquered, converted, and enforced his order upon them.

Manifesto of Barbarianism

Touta Caillte

Manifesto of Barbarianism. This manifesto is a living document, evolving as we grow in our understanding and practice. We affirm that by upholding and acting upon these values, we will transcend the false and oppressive identity of whiteness. We will once again become a people of the land. All power to the people. All glory to the gods and ancestors.

Imbolc: Celebrating the First Stirrings of Spring


Imbolc, also known as Brigid’s Day, is a traditional Gaelic festival marking the beginning of spring. Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. The festival occurs on February 1st, approximately halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

Viriathus: The Courageous Shepherd Who Defied an Empire

Viriathus - Statue of Viriato, at Zamora, Spain

Under the shadow of ancient oaks in the rugged terrain of Lusitania, a young shepherd named Viriathus watched as Roman legions marched through his homeland. This was not just the invasion of a land; it was an assault on a way of life, a culture, and a people. From these humble beginnings rose a leader who would become Rome’s greatest adversary in the Iberian Peninsula.

Ambiorix: The Cunning Hero of the Eburones

Ambiorix: The Cunning Hero of the Eburones

Little is known about the early life of Ambiorix, but by adulthood, he had become one of the principal leaders of the Eburones, a tribe part of the larger Belgae confederation. Located in what is now Belgium, the Eburones were strategically positioned along the Rhine, a major frontier for the expanding Roman Empire.

Dispelling Misconceptions: The Abolition of Whiteness

The abolition of whiteness does not aim to negate individuals or their heritages. Instead, it seeks to deconstruct an oppressive system, foster greater equity, and encourage introspection about the roles each of us unconsciously plays within this paradigm. More than mere acknowledgment of these structures is required. We must be committed to materially deconstructing the forces of racialization in our societies.

Barbarian Alchemy: The Art and Science of Elemental Mastery


In our earlier article, we laid out the foundational aspects of the Barbarian cosmology, defining the fundamental nature of existence. Building upon that foundation, this guide explores the alchemical manipulation of its essential elements: Calas, Gwyar, and Nwyfre. This guide to Barbarian Alchemy is designed for both beginners and seasoned practitioners. We present a methodical approach to achieving change through the stages of balance, deconstruction, reconstruction, and transformation.

The Decaying Idol of Humanism And The Return of the Dead God

The mythologies of Humanism rose to prominence as the bedrock of liberal society after the death of God in European Christian society. Boldly, Liberal society charged forward, promising a new age of enlightenment under the doctrine of reason, compassion, human agency, and Scientific Materialism. In taking on this Scientific Materialist perspective, all had assumed that rule of myth was gone, and the fate of man rested in the hands of “the people” guided by the infallibility of objective truths.

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